07 March 2010

Feeling a little mission sick...

This morning I reported to the Stake High Council. Then I gave a fireside for my home ward youth which essentially consisted of me standing in front of them for 45 minutes telling mission stories. Then I went to the mission Prep Class for the stake to help with the practicing and to share another mission story.
So, needless to say, I was thinking in retrospect about my mission today, and it made me really miss how awesome it was. Oh boy. What a wonderful experience. I couldn't have done anything better with the last two years of my life than what I did. I miss the people out there so much. I miss wearing the name-tag. I miss the set purpose. I miss having a companion. I miss the routine.
But you know what? At the same time I'm so happy to be home. I have so many opportunities to do amazing things with the principles that I learned serving a mission. I have a lot of things ahead of me. Reading the blogs and facebook, and talking with friends, I know that school is pretty rigorous, and though I know it will be difficult, because I know that it must come, I look forward to the challenge. Learning how to apply the spiritual things that I learned with a more temporal twist. I'm super glad to have so many great family and friends who are so willing and able to support me when the going gets tough! I love you guys! And that's the Bright-side of life!

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