15 March 2010


For the last week or so, I've felt pretty sad that nobody has commented on my blog yet. In fact, I planned on writing a post totally dedicated to buying a candy-bar for the first person to do so. Well, today, my Sister-in-law Kim posted on the family blog, saying that she was having trouble commenting on my blog! For some reason, my blog was a little messed up and so you COULDN'T comment on it!
I have found myself a little lacking in knowing how to operate this machine we call a computer like I once was able. So, after a bit of struggle (and I still can't get it to display my "about me" gadget, even though it says that it is), I was able to fix the comments problem (the bright-side of life), so now you CAN comment on my blog if you feel so inclined! I'd love to hear from you!

I had a good evening. I walked by the canyon with my new found friend Sara. It was really neat. We went a little bit late, so it was getting pretty dark. But the lights from the parking lot illuminated the canyon well. It was pretty beautiful. You could see the Temple all lit up too. It was pretty awesome. I have felt a little sad that I must remain here in Twin Falls whilst many of my friends are down in Provo at BYU. But this evening, the Lord stretched forth his infinitely merciful hand, and touched my life. Twin Falls is not bad at all. I take it for-granted because I've lived here my whole life. The Snake River Canyon is beautiful. I know this is where I need to be.
I saw an Apostle of the Lord yesterday, Elder Oaks. I went to my sister's Stake Conference down in Provo. I shook his hand and said "Elder Oaks, it's very wonderful to meet you. My name is Elder Dodds." Ha ha, I caught myself and said, "I'm sorry, I just returned from my mission, my name is Kent Dodds." He smiled and replied, "Where did you serve?" I told him the Missouri Independence Mission, and he smiled and shook his fist approvingly, then said, "Thank you for your service." As I walked away, I responded, "Thank you for yours." I felt a little silly, but I guess out of all the stupid things you could say, that was a pretty good one. And that's the Bright-side of life! Ha ha.
So my plan is to stay here in Twin Falls until school starts. I just really feel like this is where I'm supposed to be. So, I'm going to make the most of it! I hope that you're all doing well!!! Feel free to comment on this one!
This is Elder Oaks talking to my Sister and her old Missionary Companion :-D


Kim and Jim said...

Yaay, I can comment now :) So cool that you got to meet Elder Oaks. I met him years ago in the Salt Lake temple one morning when I went to do baptisms for the dead with some friends from school. He stopped and shook our hands and said a few things that were probably profound, but I have since forgotten. But I remember what it felt like to be in his presence. Pretty cool!

So, have a great time in Twin Falls before school starts, and we'll look forward to having you up for dinner & playing around this summer when you start school! We will miss not having you working at AG though.

Angie said...

Cool! Elder Oaks is the only apostle I've ever met - and I was just a kid. I've been particularly fond of him ever since. I even named my son after him! ;0)

I'm glad you got your comments working. Next time we see you I can help you with a blog makeover if you want! Brett and I are getting pretty good at it!