27 April 2010

Google Reader

I just decided to tell everyone how I keep track of the blogs I follow. There's this great thing called Google Reader that tells me every time there's an update on my subscriptions. It's pretty awesome. I decided that I didn't want to go into a lengthy explanation of everything unless someone's interested. So, if you are, this would make it a LOT easier for you to keep track of the blogs YOU follow! Most of it is pretty self-explanatory anyway. If you need help, I'm more than happy to help! Just send me an e-mail or something! Anyway, here's a screenshot of mine, just to give you a basic idea. To start yours up, just go to Google Reader.

This is the bright side of life because it's great :-)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

or you could just use the Dashboard thing that Blogger (which is run by Google, is it not?) already has. That's what I do. :)