09 April 2010

Finally Got Google Voice!

So, after much hoping, waiting, and anticipating, I finally got a Google Voice invite. You can get an invitation to Google Voice one of two ways: 1. You submit your e-mail to them here. Or 2. You can get an invitation from a user who has invitations. (Unfortunately, they haven't given me any invites to hand out!)
I submitted both my personal and business Gmail addresses... Twice... I really wanted it ok! Ha ha, so anyway, I also went onto a bunch of forums where lots of people were begging for invitations, and started begging. But, I had an edge that many of them didn't. A few weeks ago, when I posted about this, my friend Amy Madsen saw that I wanted a Google Wave invitation, and invited me. So, I was able to offer a trade to a Google Wave invitation.
After a few more days of waiting, I finally got an e-mail from someone accepting the trade! So, last night, I stayed up later than I ought to have, setting up my new Google Voice Account! It's so great! I'm pretty excited about the features it has, and I'm also excited about the features which are certain to come the longer Google Voice is out. That's the way that things work with Google. Remember Gmail when it first came out? It was amazing then too, but now it's even more amazing and there's nothing out there to compete with it! That's the same way with all their products! Google is just all about getting the best out there that they can, which is different from everyone else (which is why you have new iPods coming out every year, I'm certain that Apple already has iPods waiting to be sold in 5 years, so they can get us to buy all of them...) But that's neither here nor there...
This is going to be so great as I'm trying to get Kent Dodds Productions up and running I wont worry at all about giving my number out to whoever, because I can block people with the click of a button, or even change my number with a click of a button (I wouldn't do that to all of you though!). There's a really neat feature on here too. You can try it out right now:
Go ahead, try it out! I dare you! :-D (I'm a really nice guy, and if you really need someone to talk to, I'm chipper as a chipmunk at 3:30 in the morning, any time :-D I'm happy to talk)

Anyway, because of the features of Google Voice, I would prefer to be called/texted through my new Google Phone Number, which is: 801-810-KDP1 (which stands for Kent Dodds Productions, or: 801-810-5371).

For more information about Google Voice, check out their YouTube channel, there videos will explain more fully what you can do with Google Voice. Technology can bring convenience when properly used :D This is definitely a Bright-side to Life.


Unknown said...

HI Kent,
Like you I have been searching for a Google Voice invite. I would be a very grateful Googler if you could invite me into the fold.

Kent Dodds said...

Dear Passive,
I regret to say that when I logged onto Google Voice, I didn't get any invitations. Sorry, I have none to give! Keep the search up though, you'll find it!