03 May 2010

Testimony of the Book of Mormon

There is an event on Facebook today that you may find interesting:
Essentially, we're trying to get Elder Holland's Book of Mormon Video on the homepage of YouTube to make it so millions of people see and watch it. So thousands upon thousands of Facebookers have added themselves to this event and will be watching this today.
Last night, I had the lesson in ward prayer. As the ward mission leader, I wanted to do something missionary oriented. Deciding that most of my fellow ward member's nonmember/less active friends/acquaintances are not really around, I thought that we could talk about sharing the gospel over the internet. I was reminded of Elder Ballard's Talk "Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet" from the July 2008 Ensign, so I read a little from that talk. Then, I issued the challenge to my fellow ward members. To share this challenge and this video to their friends and family using Facebook, E-mail, and their blogs.

So, it would be better for you to go directly to the video so you can "Like" it and comment positively about it. In fact, the view count is a little glitchy from what I understand when you view it in embedded videos. So, if you want to view it, just click on the "YouTube" icon in the bottom right corner, OR, I suppose I could simply give you link here!

The bright-side of life is that the Book of Mormon is true. I know it to be true. I finished it yesterday morning. I prayed for reconfirmation of it's divinity and truth, and, yet again, those feelings that are all so common with members of the church were felt by me. Heavenly Father, through His Spirit, taught me the truth of the book. I want ever so dearly for all of God's children to know this is true. Please share this video, and more importantly, this truth, with your friends and family, whether on or off the internet!
The Gospel's True! And THAT'S the Bright-Side of Life!

This is what the Facebook event says:
Dear friends,

On May 3, 2010 (perhaps as part of your Family Home Evening program) if all reachable members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints--and any non members interested-- would follow the linkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkKblIMfmjI and watch the YouTube video of Jeffrey R. Holland bearing testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, we could potentially achieve promoting that video to the YouTube homepage, based on volume of views.


1 increased views - multiples views by one viewer count
2 comments - the more comments, the more valuable Youtube sees your video. Comments almost carry as much weight as views.
3 favorites - everyone needs to "favorite" the video.
4 thumbs up - **please take special care to do this as a group of individuals have banned together to "thumbs down" and this can negatively affect the popularity of the video.
5 subscriptions - daily subscriptions have a major impact on popularity. This also has longterm impact on the future videos coming to the channel because they will get emails from Youtube letting them know when MormonMessages posts new stuff.
6 reshare - post the video as a link on your profiles bearing testimony, and also make comments after friends' link so that it shows up in the news feeds, post to blogs and twitter. The more activity surrounding the video the more attention it will receive.

The repercussions of this could be great. YouTube reports:

YouTube Stats (US)
(comScore MediaMetrix April 2009)

"The YouTube Homepage is the highest-profile placement on the site... eleven million unique visitors a day in the US [and] 89.7 Million unique monthly visitors."

The exposure that the Book of Mormon could receive in one day is astronomical. Please keep in mind though, while it is ideal that this video be promoted to the homepage, it is the spirit felt from the message wherein the success lies.

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints blessed with the knowledge contained in the Book of Mormon I seek to share with the world what I know to be true; what I know to bring happiness and hope in the times of travail; what I know to be the word of God.

For this challenge May 3 is calculated anytime in the 24 hour time period between 12 am to 11:59:59 pm Eastern Standard Time (for those participating from different time zones), but viewing before and after the event is helpful as well. Please invite both member and non-member alike to feel of the Spirit this message carries, mark your calendars and gather round in your families, wards and stakes and join me, May 3.

All my best,

Erin Jakob

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