03 January 2011

Back to School, Back to School...

Recently, things have been a bit of a roller coaster for me. I've changed my major over this last semester from Electrical Engineering. After testing the waters with Chemical Engineering and Physics, talking with a lot of people and professors (and even applying to be a Chem 105 TA, which I didn't get), I finally decided... Accounting. Yes, I know, it's a bit odd. But I prayed a whole lot about it, and then I took an aptitude test from the Career Center in the Wilk and my counselor and I narrowed the results down to point directly at accounting. A week before the semester started, something possessed me (I'm certain that's what it was, because there's no way I would have done this on my own) and I switched my Physics class to an Accounting class. I really really really liked it. This last semester was so much better for me than all the math, computer, and science classes I've taken the other semesters I've been at BYU. So with that, the prayers, and the aptitude test, I just knew that Acocunting was for me. So I changed.

I'm looking forward to my schedule next semester. Here's what an normal week will look like:

My Classes are:
Accounting 310
I Sys 201
M Com 320
Dance 280
Men's Chorus
Dance 185
Astronomy 127
D&C 77-138

So it's going to be a lot of fun :) I'm a tad nervous about it, but all's well. I will be fine :) And that's the Bright-Side of Life :D

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