08 November 2010

Nerdy rant...

It is SO typical of Microsoft to provide a service that is really awesome and then not deliver. I hate Microsoft!
But how can I make a jab at Micro$oft if I don't make a jab at Apple? It is typical of Apple to make the computer so user-friendly that you can't do anything with it. And for their programs to act like a virus (thank you iTunes, you've earned quite a lame reputation).
And how can I make such negative comments about M$ and Apple without expressing my love for Google?
This morning, I was studying and chatting on the same document with 90 students on Google Docs to prep for our History Test, each of us adding content. I sent a free text in the basement of the Library where I don't get cell phone service using Google Voice, I read from my favorite blogs and uplifting content from LDS.org from Google Reader, and I'm using Google Chrome right now, which just works. I love Google!


Lisa said...

I'm curious--when you say that Apple makes products so user-friendly that you can't do anything, what do you mean? Doesn't user-friendly mean that you CAN do things?

Also, Google Chrome always works really slow and doesn't load pages for me. Hm.

I guess my point is...Google isn't perfect? :)

Unknown said...

:) In an effort to preserve our friendship I'm going to abstain... courteously ;)