05 November 2010

iSayHi Message to members:

Hey iSayHi members! I hope everyone's still having great experiences with the iSayHi commitment! Just a few things:
1. iSayHi Shirt Sign Ups in by next week!
2. Redefine Service Blog
3. iSayHiAnonymousPickMeUpTexts
4. iSayHi Party November 20th (Provo Area)
5. iSayHi Buttons (We're getting them, just so you know :D)

1. So we have the shirts ready to be printed. Now we just need sign ups for them to know how many to print. We'll send off the order a week from this Monday. The shirt costs $7.50. If you want a shirt, there are a few ways you can go about signing up to get one:
- Online: By far the easiest is to order it online through the store gadget I made here: https://sites.google.com/site/isayhiweb/t-shirts
- Another easy way to order is filling out the following form. I will connect with you to get the money for the shirt through your e-mail address or if otherwise specified: https://spreadsheets0.google.com/viewform?formkey=dGUxU1ZuX3plVUJTeG1TU25CeXQ1Rnc6MQ
- I will have sign up sheets around my apartment complex (Alta) in Provo, so if you're in my ward or in my area, you can just come sign up there (may as well just drop off the money to me if you do that).
- There will be sign up sheets in the Foyer before and after Men's Chorus, so if you're around the HFAC at 4:00 - 4:50 you can sign up there.

2. There is a blog for Redefine Service, created and updated by my dear friend Deidre Edmunds. Redefine Service is basically like iSayHi. Take a look :) http://redefineservice.blogspot.com/

3. We're still doing iSayHiAnonymousPickMeUpTexts. Just e-mail iSayHiMail@gmial.com with the name, phone number, and message and we'll send them a nice anonymous text from the iSayHi Phone number. It's an easy way to brighten someone's day!

4. For those of you who are in the Provo Area, we're doing an iSayHi Part on November 20th. We're going to do something special, so come and bring your friends, and respond to the event so we know how many to expect! Thanks! http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=149197425124869

You're all so great! Thanks a million for all the friendly-service that you do! See you around!

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