30 December 2010


I've been shaving since I was pretty young. I never really liked facial hair. I got my first electric razor on my 15th birthday and I've been shaving pretty much every day since. I continued to use that same electric razor, with the same razor heads for the next 5 and a half years. Then, I finally decided to..... change the razor heads... I continued using that electric shaver. Once, while on my mission, I tried out the "real man razor." I didn't like it, so I stuck with electric.
This last Fall, after 7 faithful years with my original razor, I finally decided to grow up and change to the "real man razor" again. I even made a fun video of the death of my razor:

I guess I was excited to move on...
Well, it didn't last long, and I didn't like the new razor. So, I went back to my old one...
Well guess what I got for Christmas! A new electric Razor! I'm excited about it! But just to prove it, for some reason this last week I went 4 days without shaving! The longest since I was 15 I'm sure! Ha ha, so naturally I couldn't resist taking a picture :)

So, I guess the bright side of all of this is that not only do you get two pictures of my face, but I shaved right after these were taken! Now THAT'S the Bright-Side of Life :)

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