13 November 2010


I competed in DanceSport this morning. It went great. My partner is **correction** WAS Dana Gibson. We had such a fun time. We made it past the first 6 rounds. But on the last elimination, we were among those eliminated unfortunately. Our teacher said a lot of it had to do with the fact that the judges were on the other side of the room. But all-in-all we had just a really good time, and we were thrilled with how far we got. I'm certainly doing this again :D So much fun!!!


Anonymous said...

I believe the correct phrase is "My dance partner WAS Dana Gibson." as since the competition is now finished. Though, I totally agree with this post.

Unknown said...

Nope, you IS still my partner ;) plus, you admitted you TOTALLY agree with the post, and so... Ok ok, you're right. DanceSport is over. I hope the rest of it was awesome! Thanks again! :)