22 October 2010

High times, hard times...

Well, it's been quite some time since I last posted on my blog... I don't know why. I should do it more.
I spent today going to school, and getting some homework done. It's really nice to stay ahead in school. I just picked up two classes I Sys 100 and 101. They're for Excel and PowerPoint and they're ultra-easy. It's just online. It uses words like "Objective: Minimizing a window" and asks questions like "True or False: You can not run multiple programs on a computer at once." I'm not joking... It's just funny. I'm sure that in later lessons I'll learn something I didn't know before. All-in-all, I'm really enjoying my classes and doing very well in them. I wish that I'd discovered my affinity for these types of classes before. It's so much better for me than the math and science classes I was taking earlier. who'd have thought that I would be into accounting? Not me!
Sometimes, I can feel like the song "Home" by Michael Buble "surrounded by, a million people, I still feel so alone." It's hard to describe the way that I feel about my associations with people right now. I want to be with friends and do fun things. But I just think maybe I don't know who to do it all with. I'm not super close with people anymore. It's more like being pretty close with everyone.... I'm not really close enough with anyone for them to just call me up and invite me to do something, I've realized. So, anyway... I'll have to figure that out eventually...
Anyway, enough moping, that helps nobody. Besides, this is the Bright-Side of Life blog.... Though, I think it's perfectly fine to sometimes express frustration and stuff, it's always good to end on a high note, that's why I saved these things for last.
What I'm grateful for:
Heavenly Father, and my Savior. They have so much love for me!
FAMILY!! They're ALWAYS there! :D
Ward family, they're so great!
Test score! 94% on my second statistics test!
Accounting Quiz scores. Pretty much all 100% since I decided I want to do accounting and switched my major.
Friends, they're so great, and they do so much for me!
Cakes made by friends.
Letters from friends on missions.
Professors who love the gospel and what they're teaching.
Beds to sleep in... ooooo sleep, that's what I should be doing right now....
Rockband parties :)
Men's Chorus
Employers who think I'm great :)
Myself :)
The Bright-Side of Life!


Becca said...

Once, when I was bummed about not having friends close enough who just call and invite me to do things, my mom said, "Well, invite them!"
I like your blog, Kent. :)

Kim and Jim said...

Ok, so this response is so late that you may not see it, but I had to put it on here anyways. Kent, you are amazing. But don't spread yourself too thin. You can't be best friends with 20+ people at the same time, so I would suggest that you definitely keep in touch with all your friends, but focus on just a handful of them for a while and develop the closeness with them. Pick people who are similar to you in their interests, and you'll always have something to do & talk about when you are together.

And, of course, know that your family is always here for you. We may get a little lost when you start talking about computer stuff, but we can always cook you a chicken dinner! There's always an open-door policy here at A.G.! (And in Orem, as the case may be).

Love you!
Kim & Jim